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Funded Projects

Valutazione oggettiva del colore delle carcasse di vitello al macello

6700 veal calves were used to compare the ability of chromameter  CR300 in measuring the veal meat color on-line at slaughterhouse and to develop an equation of prediction of colour score based on relationship between instrumental and visual assessments. 5000 carcasses were used to develop equation of prediction while 1700 were used to test it. The meat colour was assessed subjectively in 3 different slaughterhouses by the slaughterhouse’s judges 10 hours post mortem and objectively by chromameter CR300, 45 post mortem on the Rectus abdominis. The equation of prediction classified correctly 79% of carcasses and was characterized by an R2 of 78%. Furthermore it has to be underlined that the chroma contribute to the total R2 with a 0.21 partial R2. This data confirmed that chromameter CR300 can be used on-line to measure objectively veal meat colour at the end of the slaughter line.

  • Principal Investigators: Vittorio Dell'orto
  • Lead organization: DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE VETERINARIE PER LA SICUREZZA ALIMENTARE (attivo dal 01/01/2001 al 27/04/2012)
  • Financing institution: REGIONE LOMBARDIA
  • Type: RL_DG-AGR - Bandi DG Agricultura
  • Start date: 2009
  • Duration in months: 12 mesi
  • Status: Closed