In the Sample Preparation Laboratory researchers can use mechanical grinding machines (screw press, automated oil press, planetary ball mill, jaw crusher, agate mortars), mechanical sieve shakers, low speed cutting machine, laboratory oven, magnetic separators and optical binocular microscopes for all the operations concerning sample grinding, pulverization and mineral separation needed especially for further instrumental analysis.
Chemistry Laboratory Equipment

- Microwave system
- WTW MultiLine P3 handheld meter.
- Six positions Milestone Microwave Laboratory System
MLS-1200 Mega - Low (up to 200˚C) and high (up to 1300˚C) T furnaces
Research activity:
Measurements of pH, conductivity and redox potential on water and soil samples; dissolution of solid samples with concentrated acids; L.O.I. determination and syntheses at controlled temperature of material science samples.
Grinding Laboratory Equipment:

- Fritsch Analysette 6 planetary mill
(four positions with agate jars and balls) - Automatic agate mortar
- Hydraulic press
Research activity:
Rocks and soils samples are reduced for minerals separation or
chemical treatment and further analysis.
Minerals separation Laboratory Equipment

Frantz & Carpco
- S.G. Frantz Company Inc isodynamic separator Model L-1 with
max current 1.5A, forward slope 20-40˚ and side slope 5-15˚ - Carpco high-intensity wet electromagnetic separator Model
MWL3465 with
low range current 0-0.7A and high range current 0-6.0A - Stainless steel sieves (aperture from 4mm to 30µm)
- Fritsch Analysette sieve shaker
- Centrifuges for small (up to 50ml) and large (up to 100ml)
Research activity:
Minerals are separated according to their size, magnetic susceptibility
(exploiting either paramagnetic or diamagnetic properties) or density.
For the latter, separating fennels and high density liquids are available:
bromoform (CHBr3 with density 2,89 g/cm3) and
diiodomethane (C2H2I2 with density 3,325 g/cm3).
Attività di ricerca
- Macinazione e preparazione di campioni per tutte le esigenze analitiche.
- Preparazione di campioni per le analisi nell'ambito dei progetti di
ricerca condotti all'interno del Dipartimento e per prestazioni conto terzi