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Engineering Geology Laboratory



The Engineering Geology Laboratory is equipped with a wide selection of geomechanical and hydrogeological experimental apparatus to provide a complete physical and mechanical characterization of soils, rocks and discontinuities for civil engineering applications, slope stability assessment and groundwater resources protection and exploitation. Tests are normally executed in accordance with national and international standards. However, non-standard, bespoke testing may be designed and carried out for special research applications (e.g. when dealing with innovative materials or techniques).



Soil equipment

The laboratory is provided with the main geotecnical equipment for soil identification and their physical-mechanical characterization (strength, deformability and hydraulic conductivity); from specimen preparation to the execution of: direct shear test; torsional shear test; monoaxial and triaxial compression test; oedometer test; Proctor compaction test; permeability test both in permeameter and in triaxial cell.

Rock equipment

The laboratory is equipped to execute the main tests for physical and mechanical characterization of rocks and joints, from specimen preparation to the execution of: monoaxial and triaxial compression test; direct or indirect (Brazilian) tensile test; direct shear test; tilt test; pulse velocity and ultrasonic tests; permeability in Hoek cell.

Field equipment 

The key equipment for field geotechnical and hydrogeological characterization of sediments, soils and rocks is available, including: sand cone and rubber balloon apparatus; double ring infiltrometer; Guelph infiltrometer; water level meters; tensiometers; piezometers and temperature probes; TDR soil moisture probes; static/dynamic lightweight penetrometer; pulse velocity and ultrasonic tests; Wet&Dry sampler; universal current meter; pocket penetrometer and vane tester; sclerometer; roughness tester, etc.

Research activities

The Engineering Geology Laboratory has contributed over the last 50 years to applied research in the fields of geomechanics and hydrology, through the characterization of soils, rocks and discontinuities, applied to the assessment of slope stability, civil engineering problems, and groundwater resource protection studies.

The laboratory can also perform experimental activity for public and private agencies and companies, according to the official price list (LINK tariffario)

Teaching activities

The laboratory supports the education and training of both Undergraduate and Master students, who carry out a number of practical activities (especially as parts of the Applied Geology, Geotechnical Engineering, Rock Mechanics and Hydrogeology courses). In addition, many students take advantage of the lab resources during their internships, Master and PhD thesis preparation.


Via Mangiagalli 34 - 20133 Milano