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Laboratory of Structural Geology, Tectonics and Geodynamics

Laboratory of Structural Geology, Tectonics and Geodynamics

Geological mapping, meso- and micro-structural analysis, multiscale 2D-3D - structural reconstruction and quantitative geodynamic modelling of poly-deformed terrains finalised to research activity on mountain building and to external activities as industry exploration and application (natural resources, geo-engineering applications), and scientific dissemination.



umens DC192 visualizer Full HD

Midland Valley Move Software Suite

GeoModeller Software Suite

ASPECT Geodynamics Software

Quantitative X-ray Map Analyser (Q-XRMA)

LAMMPS Molecular Dynamics Simulator


Optical microscope Zeiss Axioscope with multidiscussion unit Stereo microscope 

Digital photo camera Zeiss with 17’’ screen, usb and compact flash ports


Geologia e Paleontologia

Via Mangiagalli, 34 - 20133 Milano