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The evolution of mineral phases and their mixtures as a function of intensive, chemical, or temporal variables (T, P, X, t) plays an important role both in allowing the understanding of complex natural processes, and in providing the elements for control and the prediction of transformations in the industrial environment. The goal is to correlate the phases that are formed, and the structural evolution, to the environmental context, with reference to the models provided by equilibrium thermodynamics, taking into account the kinetics effects. The group has a crystallography-based approach and uses the experimental labs available at the Department. The group members are also skill users of large-scale facilities (synchrotron radiation and neutron sources).

The main lines of research of our group are related to the study of the stability and crystal structures of minerals and synthetic analogues through X-ray diffraction and tomography techniques, X-ray and neutron total scattering, transmission electron microscopy, high-pressure and high-temperature, and Raman spectroscopy. Our main research topics are:

  • Crystal chemistry and characterization of new minerals and valorization of the mineralogical collections of the Earth Sciences Department
  • High pressure and high temperature behavior and stability of mineral phases at planetary conditions
       Structure-properties relationship in disordered and amorphous materials
  • Industrial mineralogy, with a circular economy approach
       Probing the mineralogy and microstructure of industrial and Cultural Heritage materials by 3D techniques
  • Gems-related topics: a mineralogical approach for a better understanding of their origin 


