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Geologia del sedimentario


The sedimentary geology and stratigraphy research group covers a wide range of expertise and specializations focused on the study of sediments and sedimentary rocks, their temporal (chronostratigraphic) and spatial (paleogeographic) evolution through time, the record of environmental changes that occurred in the past as registered in sedimentary rocks, as well as the nature and characteristics of the natural resources hosted therein. Our research is carried out using a strong field-based approach coupled with experimental data acquisition and analysis in modern laboratories hosted at the Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra “A. Desio”. These include laboratory facilities for optical and cathodoluminescence microscopy, stable isotope geochemistry, electron microscope/microprobe analysis, magnetostratigraphy and paleomagnetism, hydrogeophysics, GIS and the analysis of spatial data, and for the analysis of sediments and soils (e.g., granulometry, composition etc.).




  • Sedimentology, facies analysis, lithostratigraphy, and chronostratigraphy of sedimentary systems both in the continental and marine realms.
  • Depositional processes and geometry of siliciclastic deposits.
  • Architecture and evolution of carbonate platforms in different geodynamic settings
  • Paleomagnetic-based paleogeographic reconstructions and basin evolution at regional and global scales.
  • Magnetostratigraphy and magnetochronology of sedimentary sequences.
  • Diagenesis of carbonate and siliciclastic rocks and stable carbon and oxygen isotope geochemistry of carbonates.
  • Paleo-fluid and paleo-thermometry characterization in sedimentary basins.
  • Characterization of sub-surface resources and reservoirs.
  • Interpretation of depositional systems and environmental/climate changes in the geological record.
       Aquifer sedimentology and hydrostratigraphy.
  • Geological mapping, 3-D geology and applications to sedimentary basins in different geodynamic settings and orogenic belts.
  • Marini, M., Maron M., Petrizzo M. R., Felletti F., and Muttoni G. (2020), Magnetochronology applied to assess tempo of turbidite deposition: A case study of ponded sheet-like turbidites from the lower Miocene of the northern Apennines (Italy). Sedimentary Geology, 105654.
  • Berra, F., Azmy, K. and Della Porta, G.  (2020). Stable-isotope and fluid inclusion constraints on the timing of diagenetic events in the dolomitized Dolomia Principale inner platform (Norian, Southern Alps of Italy). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 121, p.104615.
  • Mangenot, X., Gasparrini, M., Rouchon, V. and Bonifacie, M. (2018). Basin scale thermal and fluid-flow histories revealed by carbonate clumped isotopes (Δ47) – Middle Jurassic of the Paris Basin depocenter. Sedimentology, 65, p.123-150.
  • Zuffetti, C., Comunian, A., Bersezio, R. and Renard, P. (2020). A new perspective to model subsurface stratigraphy in alluvial hydrogeological basins, introducing geological hierarchy and relative chronology. Comput. Geosci. 140, p. 104506.