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Engineering Geology, Hydrogeology and Geomechanics


The EGHG research group conducts highly interdisciplinary research, investigating a variety of problems concerning the application of geosciences to engineering studies, ranging from civil and environmental to energy engineering. Research projects involve both theoretical/numerical and experimental work, including site investigation and laboratory testing. In this respect, the EGHG group benefits from the constant collaboration with three experimental facilities of the University, namely the Geomechanics and Hydrogeology Laboratories, and the Valchiavenna Station for the study of the Alpine Environment.



  • Effects of climate changes on the water cycle with focus on groundwater availability
  • Water resources mapping and evaluation in fractured and karstic rocks
  • Statistical and Numerical modelling for groundwater protection and remediation
  • Climate processes in landslide susceptibility mapping
  • Natural hazard management and risk mitigation
  • Numerical modelling of soil and rock slope stability problems
  • Numerical modelling of shallow geothermal energy applications
  • Numerical analysis of pipeline motion in liquefied sand
  • Experimental and numerical analysis of ground improvement techniques
  • Camera C., Apuani. T., Masetti M. (2015) “Modeling the stability of terraced slopes: an approach from Valtellina (Northern Italy). Environmental Earth Sciences. doi: 10.1007/s12665-015-4089-0.
  • De Filippis G., Stevenazzi S., Camera C., Pedretti D., Masetti M. (2020) An agile and parsimonious approach to data management in groundwater science using open-source resources. Hydrogeology Journal,
  • Bajni, G., Apuani, T., Beretta, G.P. (2019). “Hydro-geotechnical modelling of subsidence in the Como urban area” Engineering Geology, 257, art. no. 105144, DOI: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2019.105144 - ISSN: 00137952 - SCOPUS:85065915710
  • Cecinato, F., Loveridge, A. (2015). "Influences on the thermal efficiency of energy piles". Energy (82) : 1021-1033. doi:10.1016/