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Funded Projects

Studio e valutazione di un formulato probiotico specie specifico per vitelli a carne bianca

A species-specific probiotic supplement, already provided by the previous research project PROVIT (Quaderni della Ricerca n.88/2008: “Identificazione dei biotipi di batteri lattici intestinali a finalità probiotica nei
vitelli a carne bianca e verifica in vivo della loro efficacia”) was evaluated during the entire productive cycle of veal calves. The probiotic supplement contained Lactobacillus animalis, Lactobacillus paracasei e Bacillus coagulans (35:35:30 ratio). The BIOVAPRO trial was performed over a total number of 96 standard condition-reared freisian veal calves. Animals were homogeneously divided in two different experimental groups: Control (C) and Treatment (T). Both groups were fed the same basal diet consisting of milk replacer plus concentrate. The probiotic suplement was daily included in the reconstituted milk of treated group. Data collection was performed for al the productive cycle, from February 22nd to September 6th, 2010. The species-specific probiotic supplementation showed positive results on gut environment and general health status (GHS) of the calves, although during the trial some antibiotic treatments were performed and low stress conditions were applied in the farm. Treated animals had lower mortality rates and hospitalization; higher fecal lactobacilli content and improved immunehistochemical and immunehistometric parameters. From the present trial it must anyway be outlined that low incidence of antibiotic treatments is needed to maximize the effect of the supplemented probiotic, avoiding a decrease in the intestinal ecosystem balance often observed after the use of pharmacological drugs that can impair the nutrient absorption and thus decrease the growth performance.

  • Principal Investigators: Giovanni Savoini
  • Lead organization: DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE VETERINARIE PER LA SICUREZZA ALIMENTARE (attivo dal 01/01/2001 al 27/04/2012)
  • Financing institution: REGIONE LOMBARDIA
  • Type: RL_DG-AGR - Bandi DG Agricultura
  • Start date: 2009
  • Duration in months: 24 mesi
  • Status: Closed