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Funded Projects

Produzione di una biocolla da utilizzare in campo medico-chirurgico

Monogenoids are fish parasites which are able to quickly and reversibly attach to their host through the secretion of a proteic glue showing unique features. Unlike most adhesive secretions found in the animal world which stick to abiotic substrates, monogenoidean adhesive secretion works on living tissues. Moreover, the adhesion of the parasite to its host takes place in an aqueous environment, in the presence of strong water currents. All these features make it a very promising material for exploitation in the surgical field, to suture skin wounds and arterial tract. Another unique and very interesting feature of monogenoidean adhesion is that it can be easily reverted through the secretion of a still uncharacterized “detaching” protein (S3), likely a protease. The adhesive secretion is produced by glands that are located besides the pharynx or more specifically, in the antero-lateral region of the animal. Demonstration of the proteinaceous nature of the glue came in 2002 (Hamwood 2002) who showed that the material is SDS insoluble without any trace of glycosylation. No further characterization of the adhesive proteins has been performed since this initial report. Nothing is known about the interaction of the  adhesive proteins which are mixed to produce the glue, nor about molecular structures of the single proteins and their complex. Besides very promising potential clinical applications, the study of these proteins represents something completely new also from the biochemical point of view. Understanding the structure of these adhesive proteins, the way the combine to yield the insoluble glue working in an aqueous environment and the mechanism of interaction with a biological substrate, like an epithelium, represents a major challenge which will widen our knowledge about protein structure/function relationship. The aim of this work is the characterization of the bio-adhesive material by means of a proteomic approach. The first step of the project was to set up the conditions to obtain and solubilise the secreted material before separation by electrophoresis and characterization by tandem mass spectrometry.

  • Principal Investigators: Gabriella Tedeschi
  • Lead organization: DIPARTIMENTO DI PATOLOGIA ANIMALE, IGIENE E SANITA' PUBBLICA VETERINARIA (attivo dal 01/01/2001 al 27/04/2012)
  • Financing institution: FONDAZIONE CARIPLO
  • Type: CAR_RIC - Bandi Fondazione Cariplo
  • Start date: 2009
  • Duration in months: 30 mesi
  • Status: Closed