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Funded Projects

Genomica e interazione ospite-agente patogeno: un modello di studio nella prospettiva della One-Health

The RU3 will analyse patterns of macroparasites (gastro-intestinal helminths) and microparasites (pestivirus, respiratory syncytial virus) infections in Chamois to define the variability of prevalence, abundance, species composition and the community structure from single host to multi host population level. These data will be collected through a specifically designed field sampling on different alpine chamois populations with different epidemiological patterns respect the parasites of interest. The quantitative contribution of the host and extrinsic factors on the observed parasite variability will be defined. Moreover  analyses specifically addressed to investigate the interactions between parasites species co-infecting host individuals will be carried in order to evaluate whether the particular parasite may influence the infection status of other pathogens. In particular we will focus on parasites species with different adaptation and specificity toward Chamois in order to define their differential impact. Advanced phylogenetic analysis will be applied to reconstruct in a temporal and geographical framework the molecular evolution of target viruses. Attention will be also addressed to investigate how parasite communities react to the host genetic and demographic variability. Moreover the RU3 will collect samples for others RUs and will collaborate with RU6 to the capture and sampling of Apennine chamois population. Finally the RU3 will contribute, with its specific statistical modelling skills, to  the analyses of the metadatabase collected within the whole project.

  • Principal Investigators: Paolo Lanfranchi
  • Lead organization: DIPARTIMENTO DI PATOLOGIA ANIMALE, IGIENE E SANITA' PUBBLICA VETERINARIA (attivo dal 01/01/2001 al 27/04/2012), DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE VETERINARIE E SANITA' PUBBLICA (attivo dal 27/04/2012 al 01/03/2016)
  • Type: PRIN10-11 - PRIN bando 2010-11
  • Start date: 2010
  • Duration in months: 36 mesi
  • Status: Closed