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Funded Projects

Compatibilita' ambientale e benessere animale nella filiera del suino per migliorare la redditivita' e garantire la sostenibilita'

The project, which includes 8 research partners from as many Italian cities , provides experimental evidence of nutrition and feeding of fattening heavy pigs aimed at decreasing the excretion of nitrogen and phosphorus and at improving the efficiency of meat production, in a view of an economic and environmental sustainability. In several research locations , the various partners will test, in collaboration and synergy , diets differing in protein content and amino acid , with the inclusion of different amounts of high moisture ear corn in replacement of corn meal and wheat bran, using different pig genetic types, testing protected and slow- release amino acids, and by adopting different feeding levels at various stages of fattening.

As for the welfare of pigs, several partners will first conduct a survey of the situation in many Italian fattening farms and later on experimental tests using different materials to improve the environmental enrichment in favor of exploration of the pig with a consequent decrease in the aggressive behaviours.

  • Principal Investigators: Gianni Matteo Crovetto
  • Lead organization: DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE ANIMALI (attivo dal 01/05/2007 al 27/04/2012)
  • Financing institution: FONDAZIONE CARIPLO
  • Type: CAR_RIC - Bandi Fondazione Cariplo
  • Start date: 2011
  • Duration in months: 36 mesi
  • Status: Closed